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    Plan your visit with us and our friendly host will meet you, show you around, and can help your kids get checked into kids church.

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    Meet our

    pastors standing shoulder to shoulder

    Our Pastors Todd and Tara-Leigh Hendricks have a passion to reach people through the life changing message of Jesus. They have given their lives to the mission of the local church and have a vision to see all people know God, find freedom, discover their purpose and make a difference.

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    Jesus is our message

    Though our methods may change, the message of Jesus will always stay the same.

    People are our passion

    People are the most important thing to God so they are most important to us.

    Serving is our identity

    The greatest expression of who we are is in how we serve others.

    His house is our priority

    God doesn't have a plan B for the hope of the world - the local church is His only plan!

    Excellence is our spirit

    Excellence is the reflection of God in everything we do.